Ways to use EFT and mixing it with Kinesiology…

Sure wished I found this way sooner, because the more traditional ways for emotional healing are quite difficult. Did it old school long enough to know only too well, how futile it could sometimes be. So the tool for this is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)—it was originally discovered by an engineer who saw how the traditional approaches often didn’t work (gee I wonder who was behind that?) or if they did it was agonizingly slow and painful. He looked at it instead from an engineering point of view—what really was the problem? (I think he had a bit of insight from our allies, the El-*th, truthfully) He found it had nothing to do with brain function, but instead with the energy lines aka chi, prana, meridian lines thru the body, basically. Which the trauma would mess up and disrupt so no clear information could get thru. Which was why acupuncture often worked—it helped clear out the disturbance/interference.

He developed a system to tap on all the major meridian points, which he found cleared those lines just as well, along the lines of acupressure. His approach was like fixing car troubles by getting an engine overhaul—if you hit all the points, you were going to hit the right one for what ever problem you were having. It did start out for just healing emotional stuff (works amazingly well on PTSD) but he found, as he was tapping for an emotional issue with someone, a long standing physical issue would often also spontaneously disappear, ones doctors had given up on usually.

So really, anything and everything is fair game with EFT. But there are a couple versions. I know of two others by name. The first, faster EFT is a good healing tool, but is limited in scope I’ve found. It seems to do ok with physical and emotional stuff but none of the broader things like getting the rats out of your attic; which I’ve done for 4 or 5 years in a row now after having to put up with clawing, scratching, gnawing, and then babies squealing (quite loudly when they were calling for mom) and squeaking and running around for weeks—all right over my head as I was trying to sleep, for the three years before that.

Nothing changed but me tapping for it. No house renovations or a new neighbor cat. I still see them scurrying around outside at times so they’re still around, but every time they come in I tap. And within a couple minutes it gets quiet like they’ve left and they don’t usually come back that season, although a couple times they’d try every week or so for a couple weeks by never stayed. I usually have to tap once in the spring and then fall, but they haven’t had a nest in there since I started. So, of course I suspect that’s the hybrids version to try and limit our use of it.

The other—is ‘Optimal’ EFT’ which the originator of EFT begun teaching. I casually noticed it one day and thought ‘Oh goody—maybe an even better version’. I started reading but I found I just couldn’t. I almost felt sick actually, so I stopped. And immediately felt better. A couple years went by when I didn’t even think about it at all but one day was I pursuing EFT’s facebook page where it was mentioned.

I thought to myself, I should really find out about this—if it’s a better way, I need to know about it. So I went to the EFT site and opened that page. This time I persisted even though I was feeling a great reluctance, but when I got to the part about the ‘unseen therapist’ (part of what was the supposed improvement) I couldn’t read even one more word. Almost instantly, I ‘saw’ the unseen therapist. It was one of the hybrid’s alien employees. And the process of using the method actually allowed them to plant like a spirit hack back door they could use anytime to take over your mind and make you do stuff. Sorta like the Manchurian candidate on steroids. The supposed ‘miracles’ happening was actually that alien (a drac, who can easily use their raw energy working skills) doing things which seem like miracles to us because we’re so blind and unable to use ours but it has nothing to do with EFT.

I knew almost immediately the hybrids, because of EFT’s effectiveness, were terrified that we folks would start using it regularly and trash their plans for the whole takeover/genocide agenda. Heck maybe some of us might even use it to make full enlightenment, the worst of the worst! After all their carefully laid and covert plans.

So I learned they intended to use it to take over some poor smuck’s body, make them go do something awful, like shoot up a mall or kill their families or go on a killing rampage in a school or some other horrible thing and then have their pet lamestream media cover it loudly and for weeks—saying how they’d discovered the killer used EFT and that’s why they went berserk like that. Yeah—it worries them that much, I think. So my advice—avoid it like the plague—unless you want to wake up standing in the middle of total death and destruction, maybe of all your loved ones (if they don’t make you shoot yourself, of course), with YOU as the cause.

The original version has 15 or so points to tap—which one or two of which are actually the necessary ones. But rather than try and teach what each point was about he just has you tap them all while saying your problem. I know probably some of you, used to affirmations, learned to never focus on the problem—only visualize the solution. I thought it weird too, but the results were always improvement on whatever I tap for. I think it helps guide your attention cuz it activates that disruption in your energy lines so your unconscious mind knows exactly which disruption you’re talking about to clear.

My version, I know works because I use it all the time of course, but I discovered it back while it was still fairly new, from the original website of it’s creator, Gary Craig. I don’t believe the hybrids had found out about it yet, and since that time, I believe they’ve gotten to Gary and he’s since ‘discovered’ ‘Optimal’ EFT— it’s actually VERY dangerous as I’ve said.

Stay as far away from that as possible. It’s basically a brain hack—if you use it, it leaves an open door for a Manchurian candidate thing. You may walk into a room, and the next thing you know, you’re standing in the middle of death and destruction—and a gun in your hand, or conversely, you are walking along and then nothing ever again, and your friends and family read how you walked into a school/gov building/shopping mall and blew you and the whole place up, and the media will shout out—you did it because you used EFT—failing to mention you used ‘optimal’ EFT.

But since I started muscle testing to see which points I actually need to tap, instead of doing all of them twice, it’s cut my time down a lot, With muscle testing you can actually find out if you’re tapping for the right thing to begin with, instead of having to tap for whatever you might believe to be the problem, and then find usually only 1 or 2 points that need tapping. So it saves a lot of time because you know what the problem actually is and can only need to tap 1 or 2 points.

And because of Gary’s admonishment to try it for everything, I did–I’ve done massive healing stuff to stop pain and encourage my body to heal faster, usually a cut or bruise will be gone nearly overnite if I remember to tap, otherwise it’s more normal like a week, depending how bad it is; I’ve cleared stuck liver stones in minutes long before they get painful; I’ve stopped barking dogs and rats trying to move into the attic for years now. I even fixed the windshield wipers that kept cutting out–had been for years, but after I tapped, they never did it again.

I have stopped other several other strokes which started because it took me a bit to figure out what was causing them. I kept doing the same thing again with the same results (that bounding thing) which of course was tapping out the ‘heavy metal’ nanobots. I tapped for that again about a year later and I woke up the next morning and was feeling like I was really dizzy (my first stroke started that way) and so remembering I could tap out stuck liver stones , I decided that I also should be able to tap out a clot stuck in a blood vessel. I had tried it for the first one but really didn’t know if that was the problem, so didn’t do it long or often enough to stop it. And I’m sure that’s why the full stroke took 4 days.

This time I got on it and stayed on it, tapping every time I felt the dizziness increase, and also realized I probably needed to break up the clot too, and so added a phrase for that as well. It took a half day or more before the dizziness finally subsided for good (a stuck liver stone usually only takes once), but because it started before I woke up, there was a bit of nerve damage to my other hand, so I’m quite sure I stopped this one before it could do any more damage.. And because of it starting before I woke, I did some rounds for my body waking me up if anything like that starts happening again.

I also have stopped what I later realized was Anaphylactic shock with EFT (got bit by a brown recluse spider and didn’t realize it until the next day) although it took longer without me knowing what it was (I almost broke down and went to the hospital–shows how bad it got, and unless you’re a well practiced EFT practitioner, I wouldn’t advise doing this at home). I was just tapping for not being able to breath very well. So it took multiple times and every angle of not being able to breath well I could think of, to ease it to a endurable degree, whereas if I’d known, probably a couple rounds would have done it..

And I bounded into tapping for heavy metals again—this time I finally figured out the connection—and I woke up a couple hours a head of my normal time but just couldn’t fall back asleep, so got up and started dressing and before I was done, that dizziness started up—so it was my body making sure I was awake in time to stop it.

I did start trying to tap out what I’ve discovered is the garbage clinging to the sides of the blood vessels, and, bounding away, didn’t stop to think big chunks of that could cause a similar problem, but sure enough, I woke again several hours early and before I finished dressing, the dizziness started again. This kind of clot though, was much easier to clear, cuz it only took a hour or so till the dizziness stayed gone.

So I know there was more to it than just tricking your unconscious mind. It had real power to fix things if you tapped for the right thing. Your body mind (I’ve started calling it my ‘moya’, like that living ship on Farscape) knows the answers and has the ability to fix it, especially your body’s issues. Of course, you need to tap for the right thing, cuz she really can’t think for herself—But totally takes your input and runs with it.

What I’ve figured out is it actually is a work around for accessing our energy working (meta- type ‘moya’) skills we should have been able to use all along. One of those abilities was the regeneration program that keeps the body functioning and healthy for up to 900 years give or take (based on Noah’s age–I think the long lived human prototype from the bodies used to clone us at first was mostly destroyed in that flood). Since all the comm lines got turned off, not of those skills are ever usable but Eft makes them usable again, albeit for just that one thing. I think our body minds just pulls the info out of that program to do the fixes you tap for.

So adding some muscle testing to EFT— I have found this amazing tool for getting answers. It’s yes/no, but with the varying degrees of resistance, it gives you even more information. Another name is Kinesiology . Plus while the original version takes two folks, I’ve found some one person versions which are just as effective plus easier.

The original version has a friend push down on your arm, as you stand, with your arm raised out to the side as you ask your question. If your arm stays strong, usually it’s a yes. If you can’t hold it up, no. Accurate but very quickly tiring. But since I thought it was based on muscle resistance, I used the method where you push your circled fingers apart with your other thumb and middle finger which does get tiring but not nearly as quickly.

Used that for quite a few years. If the resistance is strong, it’s usually a yes—if you can’t hold them together, its usually no. Some folk’s body do it the other way, so it’s good to do some obvious true/false type questions like ‘Am I female’ or ‘do I have pets’. With names though, I’ve found sometimes you get answers that seem wrong. I’d get a solid yes to names that weren’t mine at all. Huh? But since I’ve been remembering past lives, I realize those were my names from those other lives. Like Bob—I get a strong yes on that, as strong as I get on my real name.

And I’ve found you can get answers even about that whole spirit realm stuff. 🙂 Since we really are all the same energy interconnected, all the other energy is available for answers too. Anyway, then I read where you can just rub your finger and thumb together—that it’s the resistance in any form in any part of your body that the indicator. That’s sooo easy and worked great until til my fingers got too dry. Now they don’t give the resistance very well. I had to switch to a spot on the side of my forehead that has stayed fairly moist. But if you get creative, you can get always find some way to access that whole level of information.

You can, of course influence your answers sometimes if you don’t say you are looking for the highest objective truth. Otherwise it may grab the answer you or society believes—-not necessarily the overall truth, I’ve found.

Or if you pick a question that doesn’t have any truth in it—like one of the hybrids fake versions of stuff. Sorta like asking if your coat is green or purple, when in fact it’s a yellow sweater. You are blind and are depending on others for your ‘facts’—so how can anybody answer yes/no to a question like that? There isn’t a truth there. I’ve found the resistance won’t stabilize—it sorta feels yes then it’ll sorta feel no, and back and forth. I’ve learned at that point, to stop and ask if any part of this is true. Usually it’ll be a strong no.

Or if it’s partly true, like you’ve got a sore shoulder, and you ask is it a sprain. If it’s a yes, but kind of draggy, it means a partial yes. If you keep asking, eventually you can get it to a full yes. Like adding did I maybe tear the rotator cuff too? Or is there an infection in the muscle, or is it a torn and sprained muscle? Anything you can think of. I personally found it got to where a hunch would pop into my head, and I’d ask—sure enough, that was the missing component.

But there was something I just couldn’t figure out about my type 2 diabetes—I’d asked about every thing I could think of—infection, parasites, allergic reaction, toxic build up, even lately hostile energy being used to attack me—everything, but I never could get a yes. And my diabetes never got better no matter what I did or tapped for—extremely unusual. I tried for the better part of 3 years to break it.

One day, I was again pondering this unyielding problem, kinda drifting in thought, and all of a sudden it was like my body ‘burped’ this image to me. It showed me my pancreas with a bunch of bug like creatures swarming around it, digging at it. What?? Bugs?? What kind of bugs could possibly live internally?? I looked closer and realized they were moving very jerkily—like robots. Then it hit me. Nanobots. I muscle tested and for the first time I got a solid yes.

There was a big hoopla years ago about how wonderful and helpful nanobots were going to be for medical applications and then I never heard anything more. They got ‘disappeared’. Like Tesla’s work or the 100mpg engine.

I realized then, the hybrids had subverted them to hurt us medically—to increase their profits even more because they’d be damaging us on the inside which would of course weaken us further and we’d get even sicker, needing even more drugs and doctor visits. I might not have mentioned their invented ‘medical’ industry, with all it’s lies and falsified research and misleading information yet.

It’s been my biggest source of those no truthful answers, actually. It’s their most successful scam ever. They have stole more of our money and got away with murdering more of us than any other scam they’ve run, including their wars and even the federal reserve—which might be close money wise, but nowhere near the same levels of successful murders, which we are brainwashed so badly about we actually thank them for ‘trying’ to save our loved ones. *ack*

I actually surprised my source when she saw this nanobot thing though. The hybrids had hidden it so deeply by only using their alien allies to create them. And any human involvement was done in the dark—although I’m sure they never told them what they were actually doing. A memory in the dark and quiet, is easy to miss—it kinda just blends into the background. Hence there weren’t any obvious human memories to see of it, and she can’t access other collective unconsciouses, any more than they can access ours.

But that’s why I couldn’t figure it out—she couldn’t either, so couldn’t give me those ‘hunches’. Since then, my insulin usage has dropped significantly, and I know, within a couple months (depending on how long it takes to repair the wicked bad damage I can tell the nanobots did), I’ll get to a point where I don’t need insulin any more.

A bit outside of muscle testing there, but anyway, obviously, you can just ask which points you need to tap—instead of 15-16 points twice, you only need two, maybe three. The time and effort saved is tremendous. It gives you a lot more time to investigate, before you get worn out thinking about it—at least I do. I usually burn out at about 3 hours.

How to do EFT as I do…

So more about the actual technique of EFT. So anyway, it’s is kinda like acupressure, which taps various points all over the head and body.

I’ll do the basic points I use, although in Gary’s version, he included the right side bottom corner of the fingernails on the fingers and thumb, which I’ve found to be not necessary, although I’m being told that if you are not able to tap the actual points (maybe out where if you do it people stare at you), it’s a substitute way to do a number of the actual points. There’s an inside just under the palm wrist point which I never used, but apparently it’s good for digestive issues.

Here’s a diagram of the points I use then. I’ve learned it’s best to do them in descending order and starting at the top gives the body a heads up that the tapping has begun. Some sites say it doesn’t matter, but my information is that, in fact, it does. It helps the body mind keep things orderly. It’s hard pressed to keep a proper focus if you jump around the points like a rabbit. So you’ll still get results, but not as good of ones.

I’m finding other points too, for the meta-level stuff, which of course don’t work until you get those skills back in communication with the body mind. So I’m sure the El-*th who brought this to Gary didn’t teach them, since it’d just clutter things up. I haven’t figured them all out yet, but when I do, I’ll update everyone.

So, the first thing I do is say what I think the problem is, and muscle test. If I get a weak yes (or no, of course) I’ll ask is there maybe _____ involved too? And on and on until I get a solid yes. It can take some digging. I ask about physical aspects like injury , the various types of infections, some sort of allergic reaction, just plain toxins that might be settling wherever, too much of something that might not be bothersome in smaller amounts—everything I can think of.

Of course you can go ahead and tap for the first sticky yes, and see how much that helps—sometimes if I’m in a hurry, I’ll go with that, so that of what ever symptom I’m tapping for is gone enough that I can be ok with the remaining level, and then finish up the investigation when I have time.

Then ask your body what spots you need to tap for that symptom, starting with top of head. It cuts out the whole ‘do every point twice’ thing way down, because I as I said, usually find only 2 points and one of those is top of head. It’s kinda like the command center for your body mind.

Once you find those, then tap what they call a set-up phrase on the karate chop point, the details of what you’re tapping for. For example: ‘The muscles and tendons in my left foot got twisted and maybe damaged as I fell off the ladder today on to the hard pavement’.

I’ve found this is where you say every aspect you can think of. The more information your body mind has the better it can zoom in on fixing said problem. You need to tap for the problem, not possible solutions though, for best effect. So not something like ‘my ankle should stop hurting’ or “my ankle needs to be repaired because I sprained it’. I’ve never found positive statements to work.

And if you’re not sure, saying maybe is fine because I think it turns your body minds attention to that issue. If there is actual damage involved, it will fix it because it sees that it in fact is damaged.

I’ve found sometimes things can get pretty complex with some issues (like my stroke stuff) which has layers upon layers of stuff, that you have to peel away the top layer to see the next one, so if it seems the tapping is only minimally helping, even though you got a strong yes, chances are it’s now removed a layer and you’ll want to explore again to see what might have come to light now.

If it’s one of those, it really helps to write it down, so that when you do your set up phrase, you can add all that information. Maybe even write that set up statement first, to make sure you’ll cover all the bases.

I’ve found I can usually deal with a physical issue at this level, but if it seems to stay not entirely fixed or keeps coming back, then I dig into the emotional reasons. That level is less familiar as to the hows because I’ve rarely needed to do that. I can think of emotional issues readily because of my training, but usually let my mind relax and go blank for a bit and often a memory will surface which may or may not seem relevant. If I let it unfold though, it does in time. Then I just start asking about various angles of the memory. Or if that way seems stuck, maybe a dream about something will trigger some possible angles to try. Your body mind wants to be well. Let it help. 🙂

Then you tap the karate chop point, saying your set-up statement, but starting it with ‘Even though—-statement here—-, I love and accept myself deeply and completely’ . If you have some unconscious resistance to the issue you’re tapping for, around things like weight or self image type issues usually, it helps do what they call something like a negative reversal. I don’t recall exactly it’s official name. Gary Craig’s site, Gold Standard EFT has a lot of other info from the different techniques he’s found as well and no doubt talks about this in more depth.

I never really used many of them but the movie technique for some of my cult abuse stuff, but I think it’s probably good, again my bounding is too impatient to bother—just jump in head first. But in my defense, it is probably the reason I jumped into spiritual exploration too, cuz I wasn’t influenced by his maybe more limited beliefs about what EFT might be usable for.

Please, just stay away from ‘Optimal’ EFT. Makes my skin crawl even just thinking about it. He accepted it because it was from a spirit source like the first version. But it so wasn’t the same source, but since he’s a guy and an engineer—very left brained, he might well be unable to discern the difference.

Then, using the points you figured out with muscle testing start tapping the points with a simple reminder type phrase like ‘Fell and twisted my ankle’. Once you’ve told your body the setup phrase it will use that info to fix stuff with. So you don’t need ti remember the whole long drawn out phrase every time. Whew. Some of mine have gotten pretty long and boy, even saying it four times or so is way more than I want to do. But if you aren’t sure and don’t want to take the time to muscle test, you can always just tap all the points twice. Maybe another reason I got picked for the job–I’m a pretty typical human. I like to call it being energy efficient, but I do tend to find the easiest way to do stuff, if possible. 🙂

And actually humanity wouldn’t have had that problem if all our energy working skills hadn’t been unavailable. The El-*th draw energy from their environment to supplement their own, as we too, would have done, so I expect as we return to being full humans, meta-skills included, that characteristic will fade.

Anyway, I think that about covers the basic points. I’ll post the meta-points later, with what I’ve found the various points meant for my body, but I think it’s best if everyone find their own first, since we may not all have the same points for the same thing. But since acupuncture and acupressure work for everyone, they probably are. But still better to learn your own, I think.

Oh, and I’m helping someone who has several intestinal problems and realizing those folks with those kinds of issues would be hard-pressed to do the cloves or cayenne pepper stuff. I figured out something that could be helpful for them, I think.

So what I figured out is that maybe for those folks, they could do the wormwood and herb for the first 4 days or so, maybe add silver, a good but fairly passive anti virus, bacteria, fungus. To help the lining heal enough to start tolerating the cloves and cayenne.

Yes it would cause the parasites to scatter, but if you zapped right on the heels of this start, it wouldn’t be a problem. Just a thought on making it easier on those poor IBS or leaky gut syndrome folks. I’m sure there is a infection with those that conveniently they ‘can’t’ diagnose, so at least the silver should be used.


Explaining muscle (resistance) testing (kinesiology)…

A bit more on muscle testing. It came up again out on a thread, so I thought I’d post a refresher of it, plus I think there’s enough new info mixed in to be worth re-posting.

“My chiropractor read a study done that measured the varying methods of testing accuracy. I suspect it was in one of the journals he reads. He often share those sorts of things. I’m going to get the specific information my next visit. It is a good resource.

I’m not sure which things it tested other than Kinesiology (Scientifical name for muscle testing methodology) and pharmaceutical-based laboratory results. I’d guess probably some of the other culture’s methods like the Chinese and east Indians.

We, however, only discussed what they’d found with Kinesiology and lab tests. The lab tests came in at around 70% accurate, Kinesiology at over 90%.

While of course, I’m sure they only tested the pharmaceutical cartel’s (barely) approved version done by their approved practitioners (can’t do that for free), I still know which method I’d choose. And better yet know I can learn a method you can do for yourself.

So many people know nothing about any non-cartel endorsed methodology. It’s as squashed as they can make it–pretty much leaving only word of mouth as a source. It’s the same body behavior behind the pendulum for ‘psychic’ readings, and you know how vilified that’s been across the ages.

And you can do it by simply rubbing your fingers together or relaxing and let your body sway indicating yes or no, by the direction it sways, to do it for yourself, without the paid ‘expert’. Your body knows the truth, you just have to learn how to communicate with it.

Myself, I’ve used it for a decade or better. I lucked out in that from day one, my body understood my intention, so I always got a yes or no, but I’m finding other folk often have to train their body with yes/no and obvious questions they know the answer to, getting their body on board with the procedure.

I have a friend who just can’t seem to get the hang of it. From my observations, partly from only half trying (expecting me to do it for her like you would a doctor) and she often fails to get consistent results. I’ve been working with her to do practice yes/nos and obvious questions and it does seem to be helping the lack of consistent answers part.

But not of course her lack of motivation to bother to actually try. 😦 I’m guessing that also applies to most folks. We are just too lazy to take care of ourselves–sooo much easier to trot to the docs, get a magic pill (and get really angry when they don’t have one or it doesn’t seem to work, rather than try and find the solution ourselves), and voila’, they’re saved/cured. The cartel counts on that laziness, and apparently, they’re spot on.

Really, imagine if folks actually got off their hinneys and learned this and EFT and didn’t need to use the labs and doctors and fiddle fuss around with the very expensive ‘procedures’ to fix their false test results, or need ongoing herbs/drug ‘treatments’?? Can you say collapse? So of course their paid employees here (and there are at least 7 or more which are some of those ‘regular’ posters who often make fake identities to make it look like even more so it seems the norm of thought here) are told to discount, deny, and belittle any one here who knows it works and says so. It right up there with zappers.

But even the media can’t cover up the coming to light fact that way many people are being falsely ‘diagnosed’ and then treated for ‘cancer’ as just one example, so the doctor can rip them off for more money.

Also there is a learning curve for asking the right answers for kinesiology. You can’t ask questions about the future because it answers only for the current moment. It can speculate based on what you normally do, (it’s true for those ‘psychic’ readings too) but it’s guessing just like you, although better informed.

So right now, it’ll say yes for you and Joe getting married, for example. But Joe dies in a car crash tomorrow. So after that’s happened, of course no. If you’d asked might Joe die in an accident, you’d probably have gotten a yes, because he probably lived a life full of risk via his own behavior and those that he hung out with. So go ahead and ask, knowing it’s just speculation on your body’s part. And realize you aren’t ever going to get 100% true answers with those sorts of questions.

Or ask questions that fit your way of doing things (my sweetie and I often get different answers for scientifical questions because we think about thing in a very different way). Like ‘Is the sky the color blue?’ He gets no, because he thinks of the whole really it’s light reflecting of the gases so it only seems blue.
Me, I get yes, because I think of it at the level of colors like green, purple, orange so yes it’s blue.

Or if you’re asking something that isn’t even answerable, like is my coat green, when in fact it’s a yellow sweater. Obviously a example, but it represents the kind of question that will trip you up because nothing about the question is yes or no.

There are all kinds of things. One way I deal with it, is I often ask, am I asking the right question for the answer I want. Or is this true on the highest objective level, because it will also go with your, or some authority’s (must be right, eh?) opinion, if the beliefs are strong enough. Like a ‘doctor’ or ‘minister’. Or if you’re overly emotional about some thing. Again it may automatically go with your opinion with it’s attendant intensity, unless you say differently.

And then past lives or failing to specify you want the information based on now. My sweetie asked as a test question, is my car blue? He’s had a number of blue cars, so it said yes, although his CURRENT car is black, but in the unconscious, all the past information is as important as the current information, and since he’s only had one black car, the belief that it was blue one was truer to his body.

I always get a yes on my name being bob, but since I’ve remembered it was a name I had in many past lives, it’s understandable. One I’ve had more than the name I currently have, while it says yes to my current name, it gives a very strong yes to bob as well.

So it takes some WORK and discernment to make it as helpful and accurate as it can be. That so many fail in using it is a result of propaganda and lack of any real effort to facilitate it working, I think. Hardly kinesiology’s fault. Luckily for health stuff, it’s a bit easier, because most concerns are current ones and obvious, and the body knows that’s what your asking about. So nope, it’s too much work for most folks. Better to think it doesn’t work, than have to put that much EFFORT in to honing it.”

It wasn’t as polite aka watered down as it could have been. It did I’m sure hurt some feelings which only proves there’s some truth there you’re trying to deny. It’s one way to tell where a persons issues are, in a counseling context. 🙂

Sure wished I found this way sooner, because the more traditional ways for emotional healing are quite difficult. Did it old school long enough to know only too well, how futile it could sometimes be. So the tool for this is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)—it was originally discovered by an engineer who saw how the traditional approaches often didn’t work (gee I wonder who was behind that?) or if they did it was agonizingly slow and painful. He looked at it instead from an engineering point of view—what really was the problem? (I think he had a bit of insight from our allies, the El-*th, truthfully) He found it had nothing to do with brain function, but instead with the energy lines aka chi, prana, meridian lines thru the body, basically. Which the trauma would mess up and disrupt so no clear information could get thru. Which was why acupuncture often worked—it helped clear out the disturbance/interference.

He developed a system to tap on all the major meridian points, which he found cleared those lines just as well, along the lines of acupressure. His approach was like fixing car troubles by getting an engine overhaul—if you hit all the points, you were going to hit the right one for what ever problem you were having. It did start out for just healing emotional stuff (works amazingly well on PTSD) but he found, as he was tapping for an emotional issue with someone, a long standing physical issue would often also spontaneously disappear, ones doctors had given up on usually.

So really, anything and everything is fair game with EFT. But there are a couple versions. I know of two others by name. The first, faster EFT is a good healing tool, but is limited in scope I’ve found. It seems to do ok with physical and emotional stuff but none of the broader things like getting the rats out of your attic; which I’ve done for 4 or 5 years in a row now after having to put up with clawing, scratching, gnawing, and then babies squealing (quite loudly when they were calling for mom) and squeaking and running around for weeks—all right over my head as I was trying to sleep, for the three years before that.

Nothing changed but me tapping for it. No house renovations or a new neighbor cat. I still see them scurrying around outside at times so they’re still around, but every time they come in I tap. And within a couple minutes it gets quiet like they’ve left and they don’t usually come back that season, although a couple times they’d try every week or so for a couple weeks by never stayed. I usually have to tap once in the spring and then fall, but they haven’t had a nest in there since I started. So, of course I suspect that’s the hybrids version to try and limit our use of it.

The other—is ‘Optimal’ EFT’ which the originator of EFT begun teaching. I casually noticed it one day and thought ‘Oh goody—maybe an even better version’. I started reading but I found I just couldn’t. I almost felt sick actually, so I stopped. And immediately felt better. A couple years went by when I didn’t even think about it at all but one day was I pursuing EFT’s facebook page where it was mentioned.

I thought to myself, I should really find out about this—if it’s a better way, I need to know about it. So I went to the EFT site and opened that page. This time I persisted even though I was feeling a great reluctance, but when I got to the part about the ‘unseen therapist’ (part of what was the supposed improvement) I couldn’t read even one more word. Almost instantly, I ‘saw’ the unseen therapist. It was one of the hybrid’s alien employees. And the process of using the method actually allowed them to plant like a spirit hack back door they could use anytime to take over your mind and make you do stuff. Sorta like the Manchurian candidate on steroids. The supposed ‘miracles’ happening was actually that alien (a drac, who can easily use their raw energy working skills) doing things which seem like miracles to us because we’re so blind and unable to use ours but it has nothing to do with EFT.

I knew almost immediately the hybrids, because of EFT’s effectiveness, were terrified that we folks would start using it regularly and trash their plans for the whole takeover/genocide agenda. Heck maybe some of us might even use it to make full enlightenment, the worst of the worst! After all their carefully laid and covert plans.

So I learned they intended to use it to take over some poor smuck’s body, make them go do something awful, like shoot up a mall or kill their families or go on a killing rampage in a school or some other horrible thing and then have their pet lamestream media cover it loudly and for weeks—saying how they’d discovered the killer used EFT and that’s why they went berserk like that. Yeah—it worries them that much, I think. So my advice—avoid it like the plague—unless you want to wake up standing in the middle of total death and destruction, maybe of all your loved ones (if they don’t make you shoot yourself, of course), with YOU as the cause.

The original version has 15 or so points to tap—which one or two of which are actually the necessary ones. But rather than try and teach what each point was about he just has you tap them all while saying your problem. I know probably some of you, used to affirmations, learned to never focus on the problem—only visualize the solution. I thought it weird too, but the results were always improvement on whatever I tap for. I think it helps guide your attention cuz it activates that disruption in your energy lines so your unconscious mind knows exactly which disruption you’re talking about to clear.

My version, I know works because I use it all the time of course, but I discovered it back while it was still fairly new, from the original website of it’s creator, Gary Craig. I don’t believe the hybrids had found out about it yet, and since that time, I believe they’ve gotten to Gary and he’s since ‘discovered’ ‘Optimal’ EFT— it’s actually VERY dangerous as I’ve said.

Stay as far away from that as possible. It’s basically a brain hack—if you use it, it leaves an open door for a Manchurian candidate thing. You may walk into a room, and the next thing you know, you’re standing in the middle of death and destruction—and a gun in your hand, or conversely, you are walking along and then nothing ever again, and your friends and family read how you walked into a school/gov building/shopping mall and blew you and the whole place up, and the media will shout out—you did it because you used EFT—failing to mention you used ‘optimal’ EFT.

But since I started muscle testing to see which points I actually need to tap, instead of doing all of them twice, it’s cut my time down a lot, With muscle testing you can actually find out if you’re tapping for the right thing to begin with, instead of having to tap for whatever you might believe to be the problem, and then find usually only 1 or 2 points that need tapping. So it saves a lot of time because you know what the problem actually is and can only need to tap 1 or 2 points.

And because of Gary’s admonishment to try it for everything, I did–I’ve done massive healing stuff to stop pain and encourage my body to heal faster, usually a cut or bruise will be gone nearly overnite if I remember to tap, otherwise it’s more normal like a week, depending how bad it is; I’ve cleared stuck liver stones in minutes long before they get painful; I’ve stopped barking dogs and rats trying to move into the attic for years now. I even fixed the windshield wipers that kept cutting out–had been for years, but after I tapped, they never did it again.

I have stopped other several other strokes which started because it took me a bit to figure out what was causing them. I kept doing the same thing again with the same results (that bounding thing) which of course was tapping out the ‘heavy metal’ nanobots. I tapped for that again about a year later and I woke up the next morning and was feeling like I was really dizzy (my first stroke started that way) and so remembering I could tap out stuck liver stones , I decided that I also should be able to tap out a clot stuck in a blood vessel. I had tried it for the first one but really didn’t know if that was the problem, so didn’t do it long or often enough to stop it. And I’m sure that’s why the full stroke took 4 days.

This time I got on it and stayed on it, tapping every time I felt the dizziness increase, and also realized I probably needed to break up the clot too, and so added a phrase for that as well. It took a half day or more before the dizziness finally subsided for good (a stuck liver stone usually only takes once), but because it started before I woke up, there was a bit of nerve damage to my other hand, so I’m quite sure I stopped this one before it could do any more damage.. And because of it starting before I woke, I did some rounds for my body waking me up if anything like that starts happening again.

I bounded into tapping for heavy metals again—this time I finally figured out the connection—and I woke up a couple hours a head of my normal time but just couldn’t fall back asleep, so got up and started dressing and before I was done, that dizziness started up—so it was my body making sure I was awake in time to stop it.

I did start trying to tap out what I’ve discovered is the garbage clinging to the sides of the blood vessels, and, bounding away, didn’t stop to think big chunks of that could cause a similar problem, but sure enough, I woke again several hours early and before I finished dressing, the dizziness started again. This kind of clot though, was much easier to clear, cuz it only took a hour or so till the dizziness stayed gone.

So I know there was more to it than just tricking your unconscious mind. It had real power to fix things if you tapped for the right thing. Your body mind (I’ve started calling it my ‘moya’, like that living ship on Farscape) knows the answers and has the ability to fix it, especially your body’s issues. Of course, you need to tap for the right thing, cuz she really can’t think for herself—But totally takes your input and runs with it.

What I’ve figured out is it actually is a work around for accessing our energy working (meta- type ‘moya’) skills we should have been able to use all along. One of those abilities was the regeneration program that keeps the body functioning and healthy for up to 900 years give or take (based on Noah’s age–I think the long lived human prototype from the bodies used to clone us at first was mostly destroyed in that flood). Since all the comm lines got turned off, not of those skills are ever usable but Eft makes them usable again, albeit for just that one thing. I think our body minds just pulls the info out of that program to do the fixes you tap for.

So adding some muscle testing to EFT— I have found this amazing tool for getting answers. It’s yes/no, but with the varying degrees of resistance, it gives you even more information. Another name is Kinesiology . Plus while the original version takes two folks, I’ve found some one person versions which are just as effective plus easier.

The original version has a friend push down on your arm, as you stand, with your arm raised out to the side as you ask your question. If your arm stays strong, usually it’s a yes. If you can’t hold it up, no. Accurate but very quickly tiring. But since I thought it was based on muscle resistance, I used the method where you push your circled fingers apart with your other thumb and middle finger which does get tiring but not nearly as quickly.

Used that for quite a few years. If the resistance is strong, it’s usually a yes—if you can’t hold them together, its usually no. Some folk’s body do it the other way, so it’s good to do some obvious true/false type questions like ‘Am I female’ or ‘do I have pets’. With names though, I’ve found sometimes you get answers that seem wrong. I’d get a solid yes to names that weren’t mine at all. Huh? But since I’ve been remembering past lives, I realize those were my names from those other lives. Like Bob—I get a strong yes on that, as strong as I get on my real name.

And I’ve found you can get answers even about that whole spirit realm stuff. 🙂 Since we really are all the same energy interconnected, all the other energy is available for answers too. Anyway, then I read where you can just rub your finger and thumb together—that it’s the resistance in any form in any part of your body that the indicator. That’s sooo easy and worked great until til my fingers got too dry. Now they don’t give the resistance very well. I had to switch to a spot on the side of my forehead that has stayed fairly moist. But if you get creative, you can get always find some way to access that whole level of information.

You can, of course influence your answers sometimes if you don’t say you are looking for the highest objective truth. Otherwise it may grab the answer you or society believes—-not necessarily the overall truth, I’ve found.

Or if you pick a question that doesn’t have any truth in it—like one of the hybrids fake versions of stuff. Sorta like asking if your coat is green or purple, when in fact it’s a yellow sweater. You are blind and are depending on others for your ‘facts’—so how can anybody answer yes/no to a question like that? There isn’t a truth there. I’ve found the resistance won’t stabilize—it sorta feels yes then it’ll sorta feel no, and back and forth. I’ve learned at that point, to stop and ask if any part of this is true. Usually it’ll be a strong no.

Or if it’s partly true, like you’ve got a sore shoulder, and you ask is it a sprain. If it’s a yes, but kind of draggy, it means a partial yes. If you keep asking, eventually you can get it to a full yes. Like adding did I maybe tear the rotator cuff too? Or is there an infection in the muscle, or is it a torn and sprained muscle? Anything you can think of. I personally found it got to where a hunch would pop into my head, and I’d ask—sure enough, that was the missing component.

But there was something I just couldn’t figure out about my type 2 diabetes—I’d asked about every thing I could think of—infection, parasites, allergic reaction, toxic build up, even lately hostile energy being used to attack me—everything, but I never could get a yes. And my diabetes never got better no matter what I did or tapped for—extremely unusual. I tried for the better part of 3 years to break it.

One day, I was again pondering this unyielding problem, kinda drifting in thought, and all of a sudden it was like my body ‘burped’ this image to me. It showed me my pancreas with a bunch of bug like creatures swarming around it, digging at it. What?? Bugs?? What kind of bugs could possibly live internally?? I looked closer and realized they were moving very jerkily—like robots. Then it hit me. Nanobots. I muscle tested and for the first time I got a solid yes.

There was a big hoopla years ago about how wonderful and helpful nanobots were going to be for medical applications and then I never heard anything more. They got ‘disappeared’. Like Tesla’s work or the 100mpg engine.

I realized then, the hybrids had subverted them to hurt us medically—to increase their profits even more because they’d be damaging us on the inside which would of course weaken us further and we’d get even sicker, needing even more drugs and doctor visits. I might not have mentioned their invented ‘medical’ industry, with all it’s lies and falsified research and misleading information yet.

It’s been my biggest source of those no truthful answers, actually. It’s their most successful scam ever. They have stole more of our money and got away with murdering more of us than any other scam they’ve run, including their wars and even the federal reserve—which might be close money wise, but nowhere near the same levels of successful murders, which we are brainwashed so badly about we actually thank them for ‘trying’ to save our loved ones. *ack*

I actually surprised my source when she saw this nanobot thing though. The hybrids had hidden it so deeply by only using their alien allies to create them. And any human involvement was done in the dark—although I’m sure they never told them what they were actually doing. A memory in the dark and quiet, is easy to miss—it kinda just blends into the background. Hence there weren’t any obvious human memories to see of it, and she can’t access other collective unconsciouses, any more than they can access ours.

But that’s why I couldn’t figure it out—she couldn’t either, so couldn’t give me those ‘hunches’. Since then, my insulin usage has dropped significantly, and I know, within a couple months (depending on how long it takes to repair the wicked bad damage I can tell the nanobots did), I’ll get to a point where I don’t need insulin any more.

A bit outside of muscle testing there, but anyway, obviously, you can just ask which points you need to tap—instead of 15-16 points twice, you only need two, maybe three. The time and effort saved is tremendous. It gives you a lot more time to investigate, before you get worn out thinking about it—at least I do. I usually burn out at about 3 hours.