My learnings about the real Dr. Hulda Clark…

I started reading her work back 15+ years ago. Her discovery of parasites involved in every money maker of the pharmaceutical cartel felt exactly right, although very different from the cartel’s mish-mass of reasons, or lack of reasons. For the first time ever, all the ‘diseases’ made sense. There was a reason for all the big and little health problems.

I put down my useless cartel hyped products (of course I fell for others along the way–which is why I know from hard experience anything from the cartel I tried NEVER worked, or maybe kinda sorta works but in the long run made things worse). And don’t fall for that over acid crap—sheesh, it’s been the worst thing I ever fell for! It’s caused no end of problems still affecting me today. Blah!

I realize now I never needed it, it just sounded like a ‘good’ idea–pure hype. And NO, it doesn’t stop cancer at all. I’m sure they’ve modified the fungus cancer really is into being ok with alkalinity. (it did get rid of my dandruff though, another fungus). My cancer started after not zapping for a few years, but I already was pretty alkaline and pushed myself into it further, buying the lie that it would help. Nope. It took me months to get back to a healthy PH balance.

But anyway, back to doctor Clark. I didn’t have any doubt her equipment worked–I even tried a sycrometer, to see. It was spot on with what few things I tried, once I got the hang of getting the resonance to happen predictably. But it was much like a violin (which I’ve played)–not a guitar (which I’ve also played) YOU had to play the right note without any frets to guide you. It is very manual, or at least was.

So her awareness of the combination of parasites and toxins threw open the door wide for me. I got a zapper–clark style, since that was all there was back then and the herbs and off I went. I found my car muffler had a leak, checking out the various sources of toxicity she talks about—the toxin stuff seemed pretty over the top, so other than look for obvious stuff, I just decided to do all that clean up stuff as I could.

Funny thing is, I’ve never needed to–I’ve gotten quite healthy with only getting a new muffler. I know now (from the memories in the collective unconscious) those were written by a team of ‘elite’ disinformation agents, under that Dentist’s control. They were in fact trying to scare the heck out of everyone aka fear mongering and make her protocol far too daunting and odious, so that people would give up. Plus make you spend thousands of your hard earned dollars replacing a mouth full of ‘evil’ fillings. It’s like a wet dream for them that so many are falling for it.

Yes, there are toxins, for sure, but some, like thallium comes from personal care items, not fillings. Or that a lot of things aren’t as prevalent or damaging as they hyped them to be. Stuff like that. They went thru her whole book and added the erroneous information very thoroughly. In return she wouldn’t be ‘dissappeared’, and her clinic wouldn’t be mysteriously fire bombed.

They had her fudge on their biggest money maker, cancer, too. She knew how to heal it, which means she knew it was a fungus, but she says only maybe some kind of virus. Her sycrometer wouldn’t say–maybe some kind of virus. It would say exactly what kind of virus if it was one. Compared to her certainty for everything else, that’s clearly something amiss.

She truly wanted to help humanity which ran her right up against the ‘elites’ and their cartel trying to kill humanity but slowly so they could get all our money first, but them being bigger and meaner, you can guess how that’d go, even without the rest of the story.

I read about Dr. Clark’s education along the way, in the early days (wish I’d saved it), and in a bio of hers I read, she had a Ph.D in biophysics, with her thesis being something about the frequencies of life, not some bogus starfish muscle. The ‘elites’ rewrite history all the time to suit their agenda without any qualms, so getting a university (a nice big ‘donation’ no doubt) to change that kind of thing is very easily done. Probably after the folks she studied under and with died or something, so there’s no way to verify.

Her master’s in naturopathy was done strictly for licensing purposes. She hardly needed it, as she’d been helping folks for quite sometime before they forced her to get it so she could keep running her clinic.

But as I’ve said, from her protocol, I never had die off, got rid of diabetes type 1, a haital hernia (omg–talk about hurt) the start of arthritis, which my sister now has full on. And all by the time I finished the initial cleanse. Doing it as she instructed.

Not just running around all willy-nilly, buying a zapper and using it half butted and then whinging it didn’t work. I’m thinking some of them didn’t even try one, but part of the job is to say you did, and it didn’t work. Most of them aren’t even sick, to know if it would have. At least that’s what I see when I look at the memories of the employees—er—I mean ‘regular’ posters here.

Plus Dr. Clark says this:

“Trying the zapper on an illness to see “if it works” is not useful. Your symptoms may be due to a non-parasite. Or you may reinfect within hours of zapping.”

Most of the ‘regular’ posters here have no idea if zappers actually work, or even what to expect if they do. It’s like buying a fancy toy robot with various trick commands outlined in the instruction manual, but then never reading the manual, and whining that their robot won’t do tricks. Even if they’re just pretending, it still makes my head hurt.

Anyway, Dr. Clark was very much a scientist, (She’d have made any CSI happy) following where the evidence led. I’m sure she wouldn’t have liked my spiritual source at all—no documentation, you know. There was nothing wrong with her Science or the outcomes she got–only that it exposed the cartel’s entire ‘medical’ industry lie. Every single modern disease she tested had a parasite and toxin. Every one (except high blood pressure). Can that be a coincidence, really? Every single one?

I can see the memories of them planning this huge almost unbelievably audacious scam since the early 1800’s, laying in block after block. Getting their minions ‘doctors’ into every town, getting rid of the herbalists and midwives who’d recognize the symptoms as parasite infestations, pulling the electrical type instruments that actually could kill parasites in the ’30’s, ‘discovering’ and renaming new diseases that were just old parasite symptoms, developing poisonous pharmaceuticals that at first actually did help (had some anti-parasite stuff in ’em) to trick people into thinking ‘drugs’ worked better, and many more steps, all carefully instituted.

But then—Wham–Dr. Clark exposes it all, not even knowing she what she’s done. I see them realizing the frequencies would give the whole scam away. That’s part of why they destroyed Rife–so he didn’t go there, but an idea will have it’s time, and they weren’t looking for a woman to be trained enough to do it. Plus she was in Canada–they aren’t paying much attention to Canada–not known for it’s innovation. They got to her as soon as they could but she’d already healed some very influential people, so when they jailed her (‘dragged out of bed in the middle of the night’ style) those influential folks didn’t let up until the ‘elites’ brought her out to court.

The judge was appalled by their treatment of her, looked over the ‘case’ they had against her and promptly threw it out. He apologized profusely and immediately let her go. Oh they kept trying though, and her clinic made her very vulnerable. She really wanted to help as many as she could, and needed it to do that. I see her caving to their pressure more than once, when they threatened her clinic–I’m seeing that’s the biggest reason for moving it to Mexico—The Mexican government (I see she helped one of the important men’s wife) was supportive of her and they had no qualms about hurting/killing any invading U.S. mercenary sent to do damage.

In time, the ‘elites’ managed to buy some local Mexican agents, and the threats resumed I’m sure. And then, not trusting her to not put it all together, and expose the whole huge scam (and important people listened to her), they managed to get a gal on her kitchen staff, who put cadmium (obtained from a battery) into her oatmeal frequently.

I do see Dr. Clark trying to treat herself, but not realizing it was cadmium poisoning until it was far too late. 😦 And as the ‘elites’ always do to their enemies, they tried to destroy her credibility and the possibility of her being completely right. And claiming she died of ‘cancer’ which Cadmium poisoning mimics at the end. They really hated her.

That’s why they always find child p 0 r n type stuff on their whistle blowers computers too, or hanging in their closet by their belt, depending how badly they want to besmirch the person, surrounded by kiddy or fetish p 0 r n. And everyone stupidly believes them–just because their biggest scam of all ‘free’ media TV says so.

Is all humanity this stupid, or just those working for the ‘elites’?

More chitter chatter here on Curezone, all  these employee types trying to defend frequency zappers when it’s so clear they absolutely could be trying to weaponize it. You only have to look at the ‘elites’ track record of getting inside and using the movement or product to create something horrible and abusive–if you can’t beat them–join them and destroy or twist it from the inside.

If I thought all humans were this idiotic, I’d say to heck with it and let them all perish in that coming energy strip–except all those non-human spirits would die too—They’re all here to shoot for full enlightenment. I hate that soooo many sentient spirits would be dissolved. But of course if we don’t get those cities dug, everyone will be dead already before we get into the spirit dissolving middle area of the strip.

But they’ll only be able to live without a body for 20 or so years, and they’re human now, so no other species will let them reincarnate in their bodies. Well, maybe, the various species could gather up their now in human bodies spirits, and go to some place shielded, and open the permissions for humans to reincarnate. Most species are pretty xenophobic though, the greys the worst, of course. But just because he was uncle Billy—he’s human now–is he really still uncle Billy? They’ll have the memories and attendant creativity of humanity though, so it would actually be a huge benefit to them.

So unless humanity gets it’s head out of it tush–we’re pretty screwed. I’m not, cuz I will make full enlightenment, so I can just stay up with the overarching sentience or go with the El-*th, but good luck, the rest of you naysayers/skeptics.

Zappers on curezoneworse than I thought…

“The frequencies that should have been running during that sensation are 787, 727, 660, 484, 465, 440, 35, 20, and 6.8, and the 100hz steps surrounding them.

The sensations in the muscles were at first as if every single muscle throughout my frame was tensing or bunching- and then as the frequencies got lower and lower, it was more and more like I was laying on a rock hard surface instead of a comfy bed, pillows and blanket. Imagine foam padding slowly encasing you in.”

This a user describing what she felt when she zapped—I believe it was the first time. I also believe this is one of the frequency based zapping units sold via curezone. I went into the collective unconscious this morning looking for the truth on this matter and it drew me to the time one of the zapper makers was raided by the FDA.

They threatened him and his significant people not with jail—just that they’d be disappeared. He yielded and agreed to their plan. I’m pretty sure I would have at that point as well. He also had to keep selling his units, and successfully lay people’s fears to rest. I’m guessing my probing and questions and corrections surely didn’t help.

So the plan was to take over production of his frequency based zapper and make ‘improvements’ which included adding chips that ran HUMAN frequencies on them covertly, so not only are the parasites being zapped, but also the humans. That’s what that user felt—she was being selectively electrocuted!

Like the spooky2, they designed it to be sort of random so a direct correlation couldn’t be drawn. They’ve been tracking every one of those units purchased since then and used a survey done to determine the zapping habits of the users, so they could correlate deaths and loss of energy type things to the usage of the zappers.

They are seeing if Dr. Clark was right. Could they cause someone a slow lingering death without hope of healing? Part of why he had to insist–‘no, zapped things did recover’–to allay any fears that zapping with frequencies would ever be weaponized against us humans since the effect didn’t ‘last’.

Dr.Clark’s findings and fear:

“What was actually happening to the bacteria or parasites? If I could kill something as large as an Ascaris worm or intestinal fluke, then perhaps I could kill something even larger, like an earthworm or flea, something I could see with my own eyes instead of having to imagine its demise inside my body. Ten minutes at a frequency chosen near the top of their broadcast range seemed to anesthetize them. But they didn’t die. Later I checked the body bandwidth (the range of frequencies they emit) of each. The earthworms had lost a lot of their bandwidth, both at the top and bottom. The fleas seemed hardier; they had only lost a little. However they did not recover, even weeks later, from this loss. Could it harm humans to douse them with RF frequencies in their own bandwidth? Quite probably, if the voltage were high enough…

…It was a worrisome truth. Perhaps the department of defense would use this knowledge and develop super high voltage devices to kill people (“enemies”) somewhere in the world. But I couldn’t let sick people suffer. Besides, it would probably require a voltage much like lightning to kill people from a distance.
Possibly a way could be found to shield yourself from frequencies harmful to humans by wearing a choke (inductor) coil which suppresses these frequencies. Remember, there was no recovery, just a slow death for my experimental animals. It must not happen to humans!”
Cure for all Diseases” page 11.

What kind of voltage would it take if it was right there in your hands or plastered around your body for ‘full coverage’?? And that’s the true and high level danger of using a frequency based zapper.

You should NEVER feel something like that user did from a zapper, ever—a clark style zapper uses the wave–still I suppose they could co-opt one of those too and covertly put in that chip for human frequencies, but now it’s still in the controlled experimental stage.

But once they discover the most deadly combo of frequency and voltage, they’ll start getting them into as many zappers as they can. So unless these criminals are stopped, it could get ugly—like spooky2ugly—free or ridiculously cheap zappers for everyone! And a sudden about face about Dr. Clark and her work. Oh they’d love that using her to kill all these folks. They love irony, just like by killing her with cadmium, they made it look like cancer, which cadmium poisoning at the end mimics. So if you have one of frequency based zapper, probably wanna stop using it, eh? Hopefully it’s not too late.

Oh yeah, the ‘elites’ would back that kind of expense/experiment if it got rid of humans. They hate us. And in the words of Kissinger calling us ‘useless eaters’, it sounds like they already think of us as parasites, eh?

A unsafe or ineffective zapper being sold on curezone??

Huh—the hack A team is back on Curezone. I get on and within 2 or 3 minutes the attack start. So what am I saying now that would provoke this hack response??

My most recent focus has been explaining how Parazapper’s zappers aren’t really Clark style zappers which kill with the positive offset square battery wave, not frequencies, which makes his more a modified Rife machine, not a zapper Therefore, even with all the frequencies he covers with multiple and resonant frequencies, he still is probably missing many of the frequencies that a Clark zapper kills.

Hum… It makes a difference. Dr. Clark said doing the individual pathogens/parasites frequency by frequency would take 26 hours for a normal sick person. Extrapolating that out makes maybe 550 or so. Even if parazapper’s combo of frequencies hits 200 of them, that’s missing quite a few. Could it be that the cartel wants us to use his versus the far more thorough Clark style zapper??

But of course would continue their harassment of him to keep it looking like his zappers were as worrisome to them as the Clark zapper. I never thought of that, but this sudden hack attacking again says I’ve hit a truth they really don’t want revealed, like the human sexuality post. Hum–hard choice–reveal to me they’re trying to stop me posting my observations about parazapper’s units with hack attempts or leave me go, possibly blowing their whole parazapper gig. The cartel’s masters, the ‘elites’ are well known for their ‘If you can’t beat them, join them, and destroy them from the inside’ strategy. Parazapper’s pretty deep inside, eh?

I haven’t been posting much otherwise. Mostly just trying to set the record straight with the notable difference between the two. I’m sure his does an adequate job, but it must be missing one of the frequencies for one of their money makers, would be my guess, if in fact this startling information is true which I’m getting a strong yes for from my source.

Huh… Parazapper has always seemed a stand up kind of guy. I know he never cared for me much, but he seemed seems honest and caring-—I hope they are doing this without his knowledge, consent or assistance.

Onward with recovery…

So, since I have gotten my pancreas to working 100% again, and my weight regulating ‘program’/mechanism working again,  actually finally since it’s been barely functional  most of my life so now the weight is finally dropping off. None of my clothes fit anymore. Luckily I had some smaller sizes left from days gone by so I still have clothes to wear, but I’m going to have to go shopping pretty soon. Ick. I hate shopping. But all that gives me hope that I’ll regaining full function from my stroke.

The ‘insulin’ of course prevented it from recovering, so that was basically 2 and a half years wasted there. Now, all the ‘insulin’ coating all the nerves and muscles that was capping the growth is gone and the nerves are regrowing again, but now it’s been so long since they were functional, I’m having to tap for them remembering how to work, and reminding my brain that they are there to use.

If I hadn’t got stalled out by the insulin, I’d be fully recovered now, I’m sure, because my recovery the first 6 months was very fast according to a friend who works with stroke victims. Then it pretty much stopped. I guess it took 6 months of ‘insulin’ usage to get it to the level of interfering.

Now, who knows what else I’ll have to figure out because they’ve not been used for so long? *sigh* Without EFT, there’d be no way for me to ever fully recover, I’m sure. But since I have successfully healed those other two areas, I’m confident I’ll get everything back to full function. It’s just a matter of not giving up.

Growing nerves and strengthening muscles takes a while, even for EFT. You of course can tap them to grow as fast as possible and be too weak and tired to even want to get out of bed (found that out near the beginning of this), so I’m having to find the balance between growth and functionality. I just feel so impatient some times. I want my singing voice and my guitar playing/typing hand back. Blah.

Dr. Hulda Clark, a True hero…

Obviously I greatly admire Dr. Clark. She was a total pioneer in cataloging what frequencies went with what thing. And identifying that parasites were behind 99% of all ‘disease’.

The cataloging was the basis of her PhD. As she was cataloging these frequencies, she kept running into unexpected commonalities. Every one with cancer, had beef liver flukes in their liver and isopropyl alcohol too.

Everyone with diabetes had pancreatic sheep flukes in the pancreas along with wood alcohol. And the list went on and on. Nearly every single big money making ‘disease’ had both a parasite and toxin associated with it. So she set about using her learnings to help humanity. I don’t think she realized the extent of the ‘elites’ plot at first. She thought she was discovering a new problem.

Anyway when I hear something right, it clicks with me and from the first minute I knew I was finding the best way back to full health. I just knew it.

I had been trying some of the other piddy-putzy ways espoused/hawked here, and getting absolutely no where, but the pharmaceutical cartel surely appreciated it. *cha-ching*. I had been diagnosed with diabetes and had the most painful hiatal hernia, that was happening more and more often.

I started her protocol, using her two week cleanse and following her instructions for zapping and then her maintenance schedule. Her son invented the zapper for her so she could have a more portable unit. So she was the expert on it’s use. There are different kinds of zappers now, some more based on the rife type frequencies, I think.

But they discovered her son’s zapper actually did so well because of the wave shape of the battery current. First, she’d do frequency test with her sycrometer to determine what parasites and pathogens were present in the body, and zap, and test again to find they’d all be dead. That ability to test is what sets her work apart. And since the sycrometer is hard to learn and get test slides for (what a coincidence, right?), most can’t duplicate her work, much to the ‘elites’ relief, I’m sure.

But I got one of her sycrometers and actually manged to learn to use it (on water). Too bad a group of more diverse and better trained engineers couldn’t have designed one of these, as I’m sure her son did the best he could, but he wasn’t a specialist, hence it was hard to use and quite primitive.. But if you think zapper denying is bad, just wait to hear what’d be done if some group like that ever dared to build a better sycrometer. That’s far more dangerous to their agenda than a zapper.

Getting fired for life would be the least of the punishments, I’m sure. Anyway, I just didn’t have the gumption to build a set of test stuff, like parasite slides, organ slides, etc. I just decided to trust her findings, because they felt right to me.

By the end of that two weeks, my blood Sugar was back into the normal range, and that horrid hiatal hernia never happened again. What a relief.

But she found parasites for things like IBS, Fibromyalgia, dementia/Alzheimers, each with their own toxin. I’m not sure if she ever figured out that this was actually the cartel was using these parasites on purpose to create these multi-billion dollars in profit ‘diseases’. I think they killed her to make sure she wouldn’t.

I’ll be the first to admit, while her writing style is very homey and easy to understand, her books are very poorly organized and poorly indexed, and digging through the information there can be difficult, but it has soooo been worth it to me.

She was hounded by the ‘elites’ throughout her career via their various alphabet soup agencies (ask parazapper about that-take it to mean, yes, indeed, his zappers work!), in fact they arrested her in the middle of the night and held her incommunicado for 2 weeks, not even allowing her a lawyer.

She luckily had some heavy weight supporters willing to pound the system to finally get her freed. They brought her into the courtroom, the judge took one look at the charges and threw them out of court. He apologized profusely and told her he had no idea why they’d arrested her in the first place and then held her like that.

I think she ended up making a deal with the ‘elites’ so they’d leave her clinic alone because she didn’t expose cancer as the fungus it is. She wibble wobbled, although she surely knew because she healed it all the time at her clinic, and it would have shown up clearly on her sycrometer’s readings.

In the end, they killed her anyway. And to make it seem her method didn’t work, they poisoned her with cadmium, which mimics cancer at the end. They could point and say—‘see. she’s a quack–she couldn’t even save herself’. I really wish they test her body for cadmium. 😦

A link to a copy of her book, ‘Cure for All Diseases’:


Glucometer readings from one blood drop…

I did a chart of my readings for 20 days after I stopped the insulin, once my pancreas tested 100% healed. If you try this at home, please ensure you make sure that you’ve cleared any problem, also. Like for example, I had to tap to remove the ‘insulin’ residue that was sticking to the neurotransmitters sites, that made my body unable to tell what my blood Sugar really was; stuff like that.

If I’d been any where near those kinds of readings, I’d have felt it. You can see how the readings really don’t even reflect how my blood Sugar via muscle testing, was actually changing. Blah. All three readings were done from the same blood drop and done within a minute of each other.

So just a bit more on dealing with that hacker guy–When I see his name on a post now, it’s like there’s a deadly pit viper coiled up in the post, ready to strike, just as on facebook, when I look at a email request to log back on I see an alligator, with it’s mouth open, ready to chomp. So definitely going to avoid any of his posts in the future, just as I’m avoiding facebook like the plague..

Insulin detox update…

1/12/16 I’m updating what’s going on with my ‘insulin’ detox. Wow, It’s finally gone but it took a good month of aching and severe cotton mouth that had me so very thirsty I ended up having to get up several times a night to hit the bathroom. It was pretty miserable, but at least it’d done.

And the glucometer kept saying over 300 the whole time, with a couple days over 400 even although I hadn’t eaten any differently the day before. But if I’d averaged my previous months I bet it would have been high. In fact I did three reading from the same blood drop with a half minute between readings for 20 days, and got readings that varied by as many as 79 points. How can you trust a ‘meter’ that does that, really??

It’s a bit nerve wracking, even though I had absolutely NO symptoms of high blood sugar, and at that high a reading if it was real, my feet would have been miserable. The thirst wasn’t the same kind as I’d felt before I was re-diagnosed with high blood Sugar (I suspected but didn’t really want to know). That kind is a thirst in the back in the throat, no dry mouth, just a general feeling of needing more water.

Muscle testing I’ve been doing with everyone around me, testing their blood sugar, and getting the same right and regulart and similar readings as mine. I did find a nerve had been severed recently and tapped for that and it brought my blood sugar down from the 106 range to the more perfect range. They and I usually are between 90 and 98 or so.

I think that finally help my sweetie believe that the meter was lying, versus me in denial. 🙂

It did basically take my stroke recovery back to about seven months after too, since that was when my body stared using the insulin residue to build with. It’s like it coated anywhere it was put with plastic, capping the site preventing further growth. Blah. So I’ve lost what little growth I had attained. But at least now my nerves and muscles can actually regrow all the way. It’s worth the weakness.

And the spasming/cramping I was noticing was that I wasn’t rebuilding the areas (legs epecially) where the residue was being removed, so the tendons and muscles were getting stressed. I had been eating a beef sandwich for lunch for a week or so, when I noticed the cramps had subsided. I didn’t think about it then, and stopped eating the beef and in a couple days, the cramps resumed. Hum… So I had a nice prime rib (not as much fun when your sweetie has to cut it up for you) and a couple days later, the cramps went away again.

So, the building blocks my body needed were from beef, and muscle testing indicates this whatever is only available in beef or deer and antelopes type animals, but not buffalo or other food animals like chicken or pork, or from any plant source of protein. I knew there was a real reason we need some beef in our diet. Weird I know, but when I forget and don’t eat any beef, like on the weekend, by Monday nite, the cramps are back.

DMSO, actually very bad for your eyes…

Be extremely careful with DMSO. It really does accumulate in the eye and make the tissue very fragile, and probably could lead to blindness.

I used it for a while, noticing my eyes getting easily irritated and the whites started getting saggy. Then I had a bad eye bleed (which has never happened before or since). Luckily EFT to the rescue to remove the toxic build up in my eyes, and I never used it again, so my eyes are back to firm and healthy again. So unless you are planning on learning EFT, steer clear of using it much.

My guess–the pharmaceutical cartel’s behind all the false information about it not being dangerous because it will cause all sorts of problems for them to treat profitably, plus support their medical doctor minions *cha-ching* by multiple visits and prescribing all their ‘medicine’/supplements. Plus add a whole new layer of fear to a person’s thoughts–fear they’ll go blind.

Since the ‘elite’ own most of the big any type industries, they coordinate strategies, and fear keeps people unable to think very well. They stay reactive and overemotional and VERY easy to manipulate.


Do diets work? Some thoughts…

So why all the excess weight people of all ages carry? It’s a health issue I’ve been struggling with most of my life. I had to stay under a certain weight for the military but after 16 years of fighting and losing the battle against getting rid of it, I left the military before I ruined my health. It had become so impossible to keep it off, I’d have had to resort to bulimia like many of the other gals had. It absolutely wasn’t worth it to me.

Since I don’t abuse myself anymore with the fake unhealthy ‘insurance from the ’50s’ standards, or anxiously weigh myself every day to see how close or far I am to the ‘socially approved’ weight zone, I have no idea how much weight is actually gone. My only indicator is how my clothes fit.

I think a lot of extra weight is carried by the body (of course not all) in an effort to protect the body from running out of sustenance in illness, mostly. But if you ‘diet’ or ‘fast often, you convince it to store more energy for the famines too.

I think it’s been 300,000 years since our brain and it’s controls for the various systems, got updated or even rebooted, so the coping strategies/work arounds your ancestor’s body developed to get around damaged nerves, corrupted DNA and such, get passed down from generation to generation for that excess weight, plus then you may add your own from dieting/fasting.

So it’s not really a surprise you weigh more than a un-survival adapted body would. That the information is as intact as it is, is really the amazing thing. That all folks don’t have some sort of compensating mechanisms which cause them to gain weight.

I’m guessing that protective fat buffer the body thinks it needs may well be the basis for that set point thing, and the older you get, the more likely to get sick, hence a bigger fat buffer even still.

I worked for years clearing and healing the emotional reasons for the excess weight, and there were lots of them. But still the weight persisted.

I finally started asking (via muscle testing) why I still couldn’t get rid of what was obviously excess weight for this frame. That’s when I started discovering all the ways it is being kept for survival’s sake, because of damaged or corrupted brain nerves that were protecting the body the best way they could.

I’m in the process of clearing and fixing all that (and my genetic line had a loads of that kind of problem) with EFT, and finally some of the excess weight is starting to leave, but the over alkaline state of my body was interfering. With that mostly behind me, it’s starting to drop again.

It’s weight my body never would have let go of, if I hadn’t fixed the deeper neurological problems.